Why doesn’t medical school prioritize social justice?

If academic medical institutions are serious about equity, work in the community should be celebrated as much as research papers are.

Latest Ideas headlines


Hurricane Katrina wasn’t a ‘natural’ disaster

It happened because of choices that humans had made for decades.


‘Someone who looks like us': The Harris nomination and new possibilities for South Asian Americans

A student, pushing back against cultural expectations, sees inspiration in the vice presidential candidate.


A test of white support for Black lives

White people are rallying against racism, but will they finally let more minorities move into their neighborhoods?


COVID letters project chronicles loneliness, makes it a bit easier to bear

Three young women are collecting letters about social isolation and have gotten more than 35,000 responses.


Social Studies: Social cohesion and the Trump vote, star vs. team, amputation and racial bias

Unexpected findings from the world of social science


Check out the technosignature on that planet

Astronomers can scan the heavens for signs of basic forms of life. But evidence of advanced civilizations might be easier to spot.


Democrats are no longer a party in disarray

The party approaches its convention united behind the Biden-Harris ticket — and a progressive agenda.

50 Words

A true story about Boston in 50 words.


‘Taking a Boston’ once meant something in jazz

Pulling on a thread in Beantown music culture.


Bringing college students back to Boston feels dangerous. I’ll be teaching them in person anyway.

The coronavirus testing regimens on university campuses seem suboptimal, but they might be as good as things get right now.


Aerosmith, the Cars, the Pixies — Boston used to be a rock ’n’ roll capital. Where has all the music gone?

Keeping the musical soul of the city alive is harder than ever.


Q&A: Kate Manne diagnoses America with a raging case of entitlement

In Trump's misogyny and people's refusal to wear masks, a feminist philosopher sees a common thread.


Even Canada is down on the United States

Relations with our northern neighbor have gone south in a hurry.

50 Words

A true story about Boston in 50 words.


The ocean as hero, not victim

A marine biologist talks about the fate of coastal cities, protecting the ocean, and why fighting climate change means engaging communities of color.


With no exit from coronavirus, take some advice from Sartre

How to overcome existential despair.


On the ballot: An end to forever wars

The fall election could be a turning point in American foreign policy.


Social Studies: Money wasted on red-light cameras and military aid

Unexpected findings from the world of social science.


Creativity springs from unusual pairings

A scientist who doubles as a professional singer reveals how a surprising combination produced a biological innovation.


The radicalization of the leaf blower

When dads take to the street


Trump’s devastating effect on global health

A policy originally meant to prevent US funding for abortions overseas is being wielded by the White House against programs that treat malaria, improve child nutrition, and detect new diseases.


The absence of live audiences is no laughing matter

With broadcast studios empty, jokes fall flat. Science helps explain why.

50 Words


Social Studies: Vaccine polarization, natural cures, and the rude woman penalty

Unexpected findings from the world of social science


When they say the fight against racism starts at home, they aren’t lying

My mom loved me. And I loved her. But that didn’t stop racism from living between us.


The TikTok backlash is hypocritical

It's true that the Chinese social media app is invasive. But so are Facebook and several other domestic social media services.


The best route for moving up is in danger of being blocked

A failure to invest sufficiently in public colleges hindered the economic recovery from the Great Recession a decade ago. Let's not make that mistake again.


What does a negative coronavirus test really reveal?

Finding the virus is one thing. But failing to find it isn't so definitive.


The ingenious and tasty cookout of 2030

What innovative food will be served at the tasty and sustainable barbecues in the summer of 2030?


Agriculture’s extremely tiny saviors

Custom-made microbes are coming to make farms cleaner and crops more productive.


What will become of Generation Covid?

My grandmother was shaped by the Great Depression. My kids will be shaped by the pandemic.


Racism is like a virus

'Unless we’re all actively working as one, I don’t think it’s ever really going to go away.'

50 Words

A true story about Boston in 50 words.


The swift boating of Tammy Duckworth

With the senator and decorated veteran on the VP shortlist, Trump's cronies try to impugn her reputation.


Sanctions-mad America turns on its friends

Punishing Germany, Mexico, and other allies is bad policy


Coronavirus and the gift of anonymity

Some people refuse to wear masks; others tolerate them in the name of public health. Then there’s another category — the people who prefer them.


Rebuilding Notre Dame, stone by virtual stone

A high-tech restoration effort


Social Studies: Woke unionism, hot stocks, and contagious egos

Suprising findings from the world of social science


Welcome to the new civil rights era

If elected, Joe Biden will have to answer to an antiracist movement that isn't going away.


Mars needs a constitutional convention

A Q&A with astrobiologist Charles Cockell, who investigates how to prevent settlements in space from becoming breeding grounds for tyranny.


What compels us to explore Mars?

We are seeking places where secrets are held, hoping to defy our isolation in the universe.

50 Words: Coffee!

A true story about Boston in 50 words.


In case of economic emergency: break glass

Here's how we can put an end to bad bailouts.


Make broadband far more affordable

Boosting the subsidies that help people get online would expand access to education, health care, and economic opportunity.


How to fix the police

Reforming law enforcement can't just be about preventing excessive policing. It also has to address the problem of under-policing.


Data Point: The bipartisan consensus for climate action

A new survey shows broad support for plans to reduce carbon emissions.

A Boston primer from ideas

// Welcome back!

For those new to the city and those returning after a summer break, here’s a tour of the geography, history, culture, and language of Boston through recent stories from the Ideas section.